Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Dictatorship of America

This is beyond tragic. As of today, our 244 year experiment in self-government just came to a grievous end. We no longer have separation of power in Washington, D.C.  Fifty-two cowardly senators just voted to neuter both houses of congress and elevate a vile, disgusting waste of human DNA to Dictator. I can’t even bring myself to type his foul name. 

Hell’s torment is far too kind for the fifty-two filthy traitors to our once great nation. May they be mocked, shunned, and humiliated for the rest of their miserable days. 

It’s no exaggeration; Anyone paying attention can clearly see that abuse of power is now acceptable behavior; ignoring congressional subpoenas is now acceptable behavior. (If you or I ignored a congressional subpoena, we would rightfully be in jail.)  The Orange Menace and his successors have nothing in the way to full dictatorship. 

The Man-baby in the oval office is now free to do whatever he pleases, without having to answer to Congress. He is empowered to break any rules.  He can and will continue to cheat in elections. He has already flouted Congressional budget oversight with his pointless, racist wall -- more to come! We will soon see the DOJ “investigating” political opponents (it’s actually already started). Attacks on the free press will escalate. Political prisoners are a short tweet away. Even more distressing, he will move to replace himself with one of his dreadful offspring.  No stopping him now!

Sadly, I see very few avenues to save our Republic. One is for the House to start yet another impeachment. The Toddler-in-Chief has done plenty of other egregious stuff. Success there is about as likely as Mitch McConnel holding a naked press-conference announcing that he’s dedicating his life and fortune to helping under-privledged children. A more possible route is for Democrats to retain the House, and take both the White House and Senate in November (despite GOP cheating). Even then, it will be very difficult to reverse the damage done. 

But who’s to say a Democratic President won’t become just as noxious, now that this horrible precedent has been set? I can think of just one way to decrease -- not eliminate -- the likelihood that dictatorships will continue.  Congress would have to propose a constitutional amendment that the president must comply with all congressional subpoenas NO KIDDING, WE REALLY MEAN IT, or face immediate removal from office.  

If the Dems aren’t victorious in November, we can be sure the GOP will continue to cheat the system with foreign interference, voter suppression, and gerrymandering. They could stay in office forever. What’s to stop them? Not Congress. Not the GOP packed courts. But I guess that’s another subject. 

For now, Welcome to the Dictatorship of America - a once great Republic. I suppose we could all move to Canada, after all, it’s getting warmer up there. 

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